
Showing posts from June, 2023

Peace Prayer: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

  Peace Prayer: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (June 30, 2023) The spate of violence both in the local and the international scene have been the subject in news media, including discussions on social media. One wonders what is going on in the world now. What has become of the human race who is by nature and purpose is peace. The three major religions preach PEACE, SHALOM, SALAM. Buddhism and Hinduism are well-known for their adherence to peace and non-violence. Taoism’s Yin-Yang believes in the importance of harmony and complementarity in man and in nature. There are also other traditions, cultures and way of life that are not popular but nonetheless exist which promote peace in various expressions and forms. Yet despite all of these mentioned, peace has remained very elusive. The recent attack to a Muslim lawmaker in Connecticut is loaded with hate towards religion (Islam in particular) and women. Although the incident is still under investigation, one could not help but re...

Watch Over Me (God always does)

  Watch Over Me (God always does) (June 29, 2023) After listening to the song “On Eagle’s Wings” on YouTube, I chanced upon another song that really caught my attention. It is entitled “Watch Over Me” written and performed by an American Christian artist named Aaron Shust. As it has always been my habit, I listen to feel the harmony, the music itself, then listen intently to the lyrics. As it further catches my interest, I begin to listen to the whole music in a more reflective way as I learned from my spiritual exercises and studies in the seminary years ago. Then I pick up my best friends - pen and paper - and start my reflection journal. This time though it's the computer. God is talking to me once again. He knows exactly what is going on within me. All my life, God uses different media for His personal message to me. Unworthy though I am, I try my best to listen – to discern and understand, to acknowledge and accept, to surrender and take action. I am not saying I am a pi...

On Eagle’s Wings

  On Eagle’s Wings (June 28, 2023) For reasons I do not know nor understand, this song has been playing in my head for several days now and I could not ignore it anymore. I looked for it on YouTube and watched the video. As I did, thoughts kept flowing in my mind. Let me share them with you. You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord Who abide in His shadow for life Say to the Lord, "My refuge, my rock in whom I trust!" We are God’s children. (Romans 8:16) As children of God we dwell in His shelter. We are always under His divine patronage and protection. In times of need, He is our provider. In times of weakness, He is our strength. In times of despair, He is our consolation.   And He will raise you up on eagles' wings Bear you on the breath of dawn Make you to shine like the sun And hold you in the palm of His hand.   Like eagle’s wings, God is always ready to embrace us and put us under His protection. We depend on God on everything in our life. We are ...

Creatures of Love: Developing a Healthy Relationship

  Creatures of Love: Developing a Healthy Relationship (June 23, 2023)   Have you ever noticed that a good number of postings on social media are about broken relationships? Even television dramas abound with heartbreaks. Many memes picture in various moods people’s pains brought about by break-ups. Why is this so? This article does not aim to discuss the many varied causes and situations of broken relationships. This article wishes to focus on how to avoid breakups instead. While this is not a professional or expert article on the issue, this write-up hopes to simply offer some ideas on how we can build a healthy relationship to prevent heartaches and pains among couples and individuals who only wish to live a life in and with a harmonious happy inter-relationships with others. There are characteristics for a healthy relationship that we must live up to. 14 Important Characteristics Of Healthy Relationships | mindbodygreen 1.        Yo...

Holistic and Dualistic Awareness in a Relationship

  Holistic and Dualistic Awareness in a Relationship (June 22, 2023) The terms “Holism” and “Dualism” were alien words to me until I got into my philosophy class in the seminary during my college years. Then further understood during my theology and spirituality classes when I was in my post-college studies in the seminary. Holism is defined as is “an adjective that means dealing with every aspect of something .” Wholistic vs. Holistic – Which is Correct? - Writing Explained   Holistic awareness is “characterized by a ‘both-and’ style of thinking. Spirituality for Beginners 7: Dualist Thinking and Holistic Awareness | Psychology Today   Dualism is defined as “the division of something conceptually into two opposed or contrasted aspects, or the state of being so divided.”   Dualistic thinking is “characterized by an ‘either-or’ mentality.” Spirituality for Beginners 7: Dualist Thinking and Holistic Awarenes...

Shalom. Salam. Peace.

  Shalom. Salam. Peace. (June 17, 2023)   Everyone talks about peace almost as we talk about love and relationships. Almost in every aspect of human interaction, peace is a major concern. Many efforts have been undertaken to achieve peace in war-torn countries. Friends have been asked to help reconcile and make peace between conflicting friends. Law enforcements have been tasked to maintain peace and order in communities and neighborhoods. Retreats and Recollections as spiritual exercises have been experienced to find inner peace. And yet, peace has remained elusive. Of course, there were successful attempts, especially on a personal and sometimes communal levels. Still, per experience and observation, they were superficial and temporary. Not a permanent peaceful arrangement for lasting harmony.   But what is peace? The search for a comprehensive and universally acceptable definition of peace is quite a task. I...

It’s OK not to be OK

  It’s OK not to be OK (June 17, 2023) The dictum “It’s ok not to be ok” has become a popular expression in the social media together with “Let go” and “Move on”. Does this mean that today’s generation is a generation of disappointments and frustrations? Of heartaches and broken dreams? I find it ironic that in a world where entertainment and gratification abound and practically at our fingertips, a lot of frustrations and heart breaks are experienced. Why is this so? People nowadays are so engrossed with work because of the need to earn to survive. With the raging prices of basic commodities, some even must take on a second or a third job to supplement the main source of income. Those who are supposed to take care of the household juggle with house chores and “online business” as a work from home undertaking to compliment or add to the over-all family income.   Despite the stress of what was described before, it is still good to know that people find time for “enter...

Birthday – A Celebration and A Challenge

  Birthday – A Celebration and A Challenge (June 16, 2023) God is love. God is the source of life. Life is a gift from God. Human life is a by-product of the love between two individuals chosen by God to be His instruments in creation. Our parents are God’s procreators in bringing human life into the world. The day that our mother gave birth to us is our birthday. And we commemorate that special day as a celebration to thank God and our parents of the gift of life. More than a thanksgiving celebration for another year of life, birthday has a two-fold meaning that propose challenges to the individual person. One, birthday is a reminder that God has given us another year of life because of a life well lived. ·         For children - for living a life of innocence and fun that brings joy to the family especially. For continuing to be a constant reminder to adults that purity of heart is essential foundation to life. ·    ...