Peace Prayer: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

Peace Prayer: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (June 30, 2023) The spate of violence both in the local and the international scene have been the subject in news media, including discussions on social media. One wonders what is going on in the world now. What has become of the human race who is by nature and purpose is peace. The three major religions preach PEACE, SHALOM, SALAM. Buddhism and Hinduism are well-known for their adherence to peace and non-violence. Taoism’s Yin-Yang believes in the importance of harmony and complementarity in man and in nature. There are also other traditions, cultures and way of life that are not popular but nonetheless exist which promote peace in various expressions and forms. Yet despite all of these mentioned, peace has remained very elusive. The recent attack to a Muslim lawmaker in Connecticut is loaded with hate towards religion (Islam in particular) and women. Although the incident is still under investigation, one could not help but re...