It’s OK not to be OK


It’s OK not to be OK

(June 17, 2023)

The dictum “It’s ok not to be ok” has become a popular expression in the social media together with “Let go” and “Move on”. Does this mean that today’s generation is a generation of disappointments and frustrations? Of heartaches and broken dreams?

I find it ironic that in a world where entertainment and gratification abound and practically at our fingertips, a lot of frustrations and heart breaks are experienced. Why is this so?

People nowadays are so engrossed with work because of the need to earn to survive. With the raging prices of basic commodities, some even must take on a second or a third job to supplement the main source of income. Those who are supposed to take care of the household juggle with house chores and “online business” as a work from home undertaking to compliment or add to the over-all family income. 

Despite the stress of what was described before, it is still good to know that people find time for “entertainment” to re-energize and de-stress. “Thank God It’s Friday” is the name of the game to most yuppies. Weekend Family Day is the response of those family-oriented individuals. Restaurants, parks, and malls teemed with people with smiles on their faces.

So why “It’s ok not to be Ok” a common expression now?

Apparently, an ordinary life is now a luxury. Life has become more toxic than ever before. Demands of work. Expectations of family members. Desired results on personal and professional endeavors. Disappointments in relationships. And more. Tears both inside and out overflow. Emotional and psychological stress affect the person’s personal and social dynamics. Added to this, the disappointment on how the government officials handle the nation’s problems that affect the day-to-day life of the ordinary citizen.

Netflix, Tubi, Crave, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms with various entertainment offerings on the internet have become the “run-to” points to remove oneself from the toxicity of life. One seeks out a way to distract oneself from the stress of everyday living.

Happiness and inner peace have become a far-fetched goal to reach. While externally smiles are manifested on the faces of people, the eyes expose the inner longings for true joy.

To tell ourselves “It’s ok not to be ok” is to remind ourselves that sufferings and difficulties are all part of life. It is not always a bed of roses nor a straight path to walk on. Life is an amalgam of opposites. It is a reality of paradoxes. We need to live with it and learn to cope. 

Coping mechanisms to this state of ambiguities vary from person to person, from situation to situation. I am sorry that I am not here to detail them. We can do our own research and inquiries. As a suggestion, learn to reach out to trusted individuals, groups, and institutions. We cannot do it all alone. We live in a social reality where each one affects the other. Man is not an island. Man is a social being. That is the reason why we cannot always be ok.

During my younger years, this dictum was popular: “I’ll get by with a little help from my friends.” My years of yore were also an experience of not being ok. Social isolation was the name of the game. The need for “friendship” was emphasized. “You’ve Got a Friend” is a song now that became famous during decades past; also “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”. Those songs were the signs of the time decades ago. Today, the same sentiments echo in different way. Our personal experience of brokenness is a reality we need to accept. But we need to reach out to others, when we need them, for us to carry the weight of not being ok. When other trusted people journey with us in our brokenness, we will know what it means to be ok not being ok. 

It's ok not to be ok is a way by which we respond positively to the challenges of life. It involves a process of knowing, accepting, doing, moving, loving, and living. Getting into the process will enable us to take things easier and will make it feel lighter to carry the load. Entertainment opportunities will no longer be agents of escape and distraction but means to relax, enjoy, re-energize. Life, then, becomes more meaningful and enjoyable.

Nothing is permanent. Problems too. So, it’s ok to be ok. In time, our world will be a better place to live in than it is now.

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