Shalom. Salam. Peace.


Shalom. Salam. Peace.

(June 17, 2023) 

Everyone talks about peace almost as we talk about love and relationships. Almost in every aspect of human interaction, peace is a major concern. Many efforts have been undertaken to achieve peace in war-torn countries. Friends have been asked to help reconcile and make peace between conflicting friends. Law enforcements have been tasked to maintain peace and order in communities and neighborhoods. Retreats and Recollections as spiritual exercises have been experienced to find inner peace.

And yet, peace has remained elusive. Of course, there were successful attempts, especially on a personal and sometimes communal levels. Still, per experience and observation, they were superficial and temporary. Not a permanent peaceful arrangement for lasting harmony. 

But what is peace?

The search for a comprehensive and universally acceptable definition of peace is quite a task. I believe that our differences in the understanding of what peace remain to be the factor why peace is still unattainable as it should be. Due to our varied religious, political, cultural backgrounds, our understanding of peace differs from one another.



The Arabic word salaam (سلام) ("peace") originates from the same root as the word Islam.[1] The word silm (سِلم) also means the religion of Islam in Arabic, and the phrase "he entered as-silm (peace)" means "he entered Islam." One Islamic interpretation is that individual personal peace is attained by submitting one's will to the Will of Allah. Peace in Islamic philosophy - Wikipedia

By the above definition alone, Muslims therefore, are men and women of peace and not terrorists that, regrettably, other people think mainly because of the 911 tragedy. #MuslimsNotTerrorists



The Hebrew word for peace, shalom (שׁלום) is derived from a root denoting wholeness or completeness, and its frame of reference throughout Jewish literature is bound up with the notion of shelemut, perfection. Shalom: Peace in Hebrew | My Jewish Learning   

Judaism then seems to view piece in the context of living a life of positive values in its totality. Witnessing and living these values means peace, SHALOM.



In Christianity, peace is based on a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It is a mental attitude of tranquility and calmness that transcends earthly circumstances. It is also a blessing from God and a characteristic of His children who are peacemakers. The peace of Christ is a feeling of peace that He gives us when we trust His promises. Bible Studies - Peace (

Peace is living a life in response to the call of Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12) Peace and love seemed to be both synonymous and intertwined in the life of Christians.

Of course, there are other faith religions or cultural groups that have their own definitions of peace. I do not wish to dwell into that research and study. Neither do I wish to make a narrative comparison of what Peace is in the understanding of the Abrahamic Faiths. I simply want to express my own reflection. I do not mean to argue nor debate on the subject matter here. The reader might have a contradicting opinion and thoughts, I respect that. No argument here, just peace. 

Basically, therefore, peace is living and witnessing a life of harmony among one another. Each group mentioned and the others as well have nuances on the understanding of peace. To some even, the presence or act of war or the act of violence are needed tasks to maintain peace and order. Be that as it may, everyone is united and one in the pursuit of true peace.

Elusive as it may be peace is still a goal that each one of us must aspire to attain. Starting with one’s personal inner peace, harmony is achievable. Beginning with ourselves, we reach out to others, and the others do the same. A domino effect kind of process. From particular to general. From a single individual to the world at large. Ideal, yes. Doable? For sure. We just need to make an effort in the best way we can.



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