Watch Over Me (God always does)


Watch Over Me (God always does)

(June 29, 2023)

After listening to the song “On Eagle’s Wings” on YouTube, I chanced upon another song that really caught my attention. It is entitled “Watch Over Me” written and performed by an American Christian artist named Aaron Shust. As it has always been my habit, I listen to feel the harmony, the music itself, then listen intently to the lyrics. As it further catches my interest, I begin to listen to the whole music in a more reflective way as I learned from my spiritual exercises and studies in the seminary years ago. Then I pick up my best friends - pen and paper - and start my reflection journal. This time though it's the computer.

God is talking to me once again. He knows exactly what is going on within me. All my life, God uses different media for His personal message to me. Unworthy though I am, I try my best to listen – to discern and understand, to acknowledge and accept, to surrender and take action. I am not saying I am a pious person; I am simply narrating the dynamics of how I often communicate with God. Oftentimes not with bended knees in the church or in the privacy of my room, but almost always during the very ordinary circumstance of my life. This is one of those.

I was lonely
You came waltzing over to me
And Your eyes they saw right through me
And You heard each one of my cries for help
And You came to rescue me.

Amidst the presence of friends and family, despite the smiles and some laughter, the void inside me makes me feel lonely and alone. And in the midst of this loneliness, God stays with me. He never abandons me. In ways more than words can describe, God’s presence fills the void that I feel in my heart. It’s like He is faced to face with me, looking at me straight in the eye, telling me: “You are not alone. I am here. I love you.” 

I was broken
Every prayer that I had spoken
Reached Your ears and all my tears weren't cried in vain
You carried all my pain
And put me back together again.

At times I thought that my prayers are empty and that they never reach God. Never does a night pass by before I sleep and whisper my prayer that tears voluntarily fall from my eyes. In faith, I believe, God is telling me: “Rest. Sleep. Worry not. Let me handle everything.” With such an assurance, the tears are no longer expressions of pain but of joy that God is running my life.

You watch over me in the darkest valleys
You watch over me when the night seems long
You help me to see the way before me
You watch over me; You watch over me.

I may not be what I used to be. I may have lost the old spark that I used to exude. The road to healing seems to be endless. But with God assuring me that He is on the watch over me, how can I still be afraid? How can I lose my patience? How can I not hope? He is my guide, my protector. He is my strength, the power that drives me to continue the journey to finding myself again.

Always faithful
To be leading, at this moment
Interceding for Your children
Though I've wandered astray from Your infinite ways
You've never left me alone.

God is the Faithful One. His fidelity endures forever. I find myself oftentimes astray, missing the path of my journey. God is always there to shove me back to the right direction. He always wishes only the best for me. He never abandons me even at times when I was unfaithful to Him. He welcomes me back…always.

Take my frozen heart; awaken me
Never once have You forsaken me
Even though I walk through this shadow of death
You will guide and defend me
You'll guard and protect me
Even though I walk through this shadow of death
You will lead me home.

“Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

Indeed, God’s faithfulness is immeasurable. His love is endless. No matter how many times I find myself diverting from the right path, God pushes me back and lead me the way towards fidelity to Him. With all the trials and the present heartache that I have now, God remains by my side – always reassuring me that all of these are temporary, that the time of healing is at hand. I only need to surrender myself totally to Him. I may be traveling alone in this journey, but God assures me that He is with me – in prayer and through my family and friends. God leads me on. 

My personal experience may not be unique. There might be people out there in the same boat or even worse. One thing I will emphasize – GOD IS WITH US. Even though we fail Him or forsake Him or forget Him, God remains faithful. In a matter of time, we will redirect ourselves back to His fold because He will not let us go astray forever. Why? Because He cares. Because He is faithful. Because He loves us. Afterall, God IS love.

Believe. Trust. Pray. Keep the faith.

Remember always, GOD LOVES US.


Photo/Video Acknowledgements:





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