Creatures of Love: Developing a Healthy Relationship

 Creatures of Love: Developing a Healthy Relationship

(June 23, 2023)

 Have you ever noticed that a good number of postings on social media are about broken relationships? Even television dramas abound with heartbreaks. Many memes picture in various moods people’s pains brought about by break-ups. Why is this so?

This article does not aim to discuss the many varied causes and situations of broken relationships. This article wishes to focus on how to avoid breakups instead. While this is not a professional or expert article on the issue, this write-up hopes to simply offer some ideas on how we can build a healthy relationship to prevent heartaches and pains among couples and individuals who only wish to live a life in and with a harmonious happy inter-relationships with others.

There are characteristics for a healthy relationship that we must live up to. 14 Important Characteristics Of Healthy Relationships | mindbodygreen

1.       You respect each other. Every day of the couple’s life must be lived with utmost love and care towards one another. We value each other as human beings worthy of our deep regard for the well-being of each other.

2.       You’re vulnerable with each other. Open and honest communication is paramount. One should be able to be what he/she is without fear of being misunderstood or rejected. Self-pretentions are avoided. One is true to the other and vice versa.

3.       You have total trust in each other. Trust in a relationship is non-negotiable. Honesty on everything – physical, emotional, spiritual levels. No hidden agenda from one another. One can always be who the person really is because one trusts the other.

4.       You both maintain unwavering honesty. This one basically nails down what was previously said. Honesty is the foundation of trust towards each other. No lies. No deception. No hidden truths.

5.       There’s mutual empathy.  Each other gives importance and understands the feeling of one another. Being one in spirit with the other. Taking the other where they are and journeying with them.

6.       You both prioritize kindness. What matters most is to respond to the needs of the other more than that of oneself. Be thoughtful. Be considerate. Manifest it.

7.       You respect each other’s boundaries. Recognizing each other’s individuality is essential to a healthy relationship. Being a couple does not negate one another’s differences. Accept them. Respect them. Support one another despite your differences on various issues.

8.       You’re both totally committed. Commitment to each other as much as to the relationship fuels the partnership. A continuous, lifetime, effort to invest for the happiness and success of each other and the relationship is paramount.

9.       You’re both thoughtful. The well-being of the other is a priority to the other, and vice versa. “Your happiness is my happiness too. Your success is my success as well. Therefore, I will always think of you in every aspect of our lives.” That must be the prevalent spirit enveloping the relationship.

10.   You can forgive each other. No one is perfect. Humans that we are, we fall. We commit mistakes. One may offend the other at number of times no one knows during the partnership. As love prevails, forgiveness must reign in each other’s heart. To admit trespasses and to ask for forgiveness are imperatives towards the attainment of a healthy relationship.

11.   You’re gentle with each other. By treating one another delicately, respect and kindness, compassion are enhanced. Be kind with our words. Be caring on our actions. Be pure on our thoughts towards one another. We are human beings to be cared for and loved. Not objects to be used then discarded.

12.   There’s a lot of affection.  We need to avoid over-familiarization because it brings about neglect towards one another. Physical expressions of affection must always come in handy when necessary – a warm embrace, a gentle kiss, a loving touch. Be spontaneous in our expression of love towards one another.

13.   You consistently appreciate each other. Always be grateful. Say it. Show it. When we recognize and appreciate even the little and seeming insignificant act of kindness by the other, we manifest our sense of gratitude. Positive emotional stroking enhances relationships. It must be mutual.

14.   You both feel validated by the other. Differences in many aspects are a reality that come in every personality and way of life. In relationships, we need to develop our acceptance of these differences and treat them as opportunities to better understand one another. WE avoid arguing due to these differences. We try to understand one another despite our differences. We accept and acknowledge that one is unique as the other is also. Different though we are, we are on each other’s side – to support, to understand, to accept.

There are other resources from various experts on human relationships that are out there. They are all very good materials to help us improve our own relationships with people in whatever form of relationships we find ourselves in. The important thing is, we continue to strive for a genuine and healthy relationships so that we minimize, if not totally eradicate, heartaches and brokenness.

Let us continue in our effort to always have a smile on our faces as we experience loving and being loved. Afterall, we are all creatures of love.


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