
Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 32) - Reflections of Dharmazeus

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 32) Reflections of Dharmazeus   Sometimes it only takes a cup of good freshly brewed coffee to remove toxic thoughts bothering your mind and heart, especially when you share that coffee moment with your special someone, a special friend.   I am not saying goodbye because I value you so much that I really do not want to see you go. But because I love you so dearly that I want you to be happy even if that would mean that we need to part. Thank you for everything. I wish you happiness and joy.   The day seems to be very promising. With a freshly brewed coffee, my day will only welcome all positivity and anything that will make me smile. Hopefully, I bring good vibes and smiles to others as well.   What a beautiful day. Awesome actually. Having conversations with special people surely made the day productive, heart-warming. More so, having chatted with one’s significant friend. Great indeed to have loving people who surround y

Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 31) - Reflections of Dharmazeus

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 31) Reflections of Dharmazeus   A nightcap with our favorite coffee completed my week and assured me of your wonderful friendship. Thank you for being such an awesome friend. You are special and loved. See you again next time.   The day won’t be complete without a “GOODNIGHT” and a prayerful wish for a safe and restful sleep. God bless you.   Allow not your transformation be skin-deep. Conversion of the heart leads to an experience of transfiguration. The purity of your souls emanates and radiates to others with love.   Never regret meeting then loving someone only to lose them someday. It might be painful but know that at some point in your life that person made happy memories with you. Keep those memories and learn from those that brought tears to your heart.   The next time someone tells you something, do not believe it immediately. Verify for yourself. Truth often comes to those who know the full story. Otherwise,

Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 30) - Reflections of Dharmazeus

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 30) Reflections of Dharmazeus   My day wouldn’t commence without a GOOD MORNING to you and from you. And it will not be complete without an I LOVE YOU to you and from you. And will not be complete without a GOODNIGHT to you and from you.   While meeting people brings joy to our hearts, not all of them stays. Some have to leave for reasons we may not know.   What matters most is we met them, that our lives touched one another, and we shared awesome memories. That at some point in our lives, we have loved. We’ll keep them in our hearts and cherish their memories.   True love is never lost. It remains in one’s heart though not destined to become a reality. But, make no mistake, the feeling was real.   A new day has begun, a new beginning is at hand. Arise, my beloved, kiss the day, embrace every opportunity, hug all promises of a new hope, shower the world with your smile, captivate every heart with the love that only com


  THE DIVORCE BILL: A Reflection (May 28, 2024)   (DISCLAIMER. I am not an expert on family relationships, marriage, or marital problems. Nor am I an expert on any laws, canonical or civil, about any of them. This reflection is a by-product of what I heard in the news, podcasts, interviews, some personal readings about the Divorce Bill that got passed on Third and Final Reading at the Philippines Congress and waiting for the Senate’s action before sending it to the President of the country for signature to become a law. At best, this reflection is a result of my inquisitive mind that’s trying to understand things that my simple brain hardly fathoms. I do not mean any disrespect to the Catholic Church’s teachings on the subject matter and other subjects mentioned here. I do not mean to offend the sensibilities of others who might find this reflection-article offensive. My apologies. )   The DIVORCE bill when becomes a law is not for everyone. If people have a very good and hap

Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 29) - Reflections of Dharmazeus

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 29) Reflections of Dharmazeus   Today is another opportunity to be the best person that you can be. To be more loving than yesterday. To smile a lot more than what you did before. Take the chance and go for it. Not everyone is blessed with the same privilege.   That day you decided to walk away, I was devastated, and it became the most unfortunate day of my life. I tried to chase you hoping that we can still fix things up, but you remained deaf to my pleadings and insensitive to my feelings. I got tired. I lost my voice calling you’re your name. The experience made me realize one of the biggest lessons of my life. That I will love myself first before I will pour my heart out to someone.   When life seems tough and you feel alone, know that I am by your side to help you in the best way that I can. “If you need to talk, I will listen. If you need to listen, I will talk.” My love will see you through.   Coffee is truly specia

Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 28) - Reflections of Dharmazeus

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 28) Reflections of Dharmazeus   The night is nigh. The stars are high. The moon reflects it shadow on thine. My love for you shall reflect in your dreams. I sleep tonight with you in my heart whispering “I love you” eternally true.   It goes to say that the Church needs to be responsive to the signs of the time … to live the signs of the time. The Church needs to be RELEVANT while maintaining true to Her essence. And what is Her essence? That the life of the Church is TO WITNESS THE GOSPEL OF JESUS THAT IS ROOTED IN LOVE. A love act must go beyond canon law. Remember what Christ said: Sabbath was made for man, not man for Sabbath. (Mark 2:27)   Thank you for bringing back – ·         HOPE in my depressive mind set. ·         JOY in my lonesome feelings. ·         LOVE in my broken tearful heart. Thank you for loving me and embracing all that I am despite the parameters we both have to live and deal with. I love you ver

Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 27) - Reflections of Dharmazeus

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 27) Reflections of Dharmazeus   Thank you for your special friendship and making yourself always feel present with your constant communication and availability. Special moments are created when you are around. New memories treasured and cherished. You are love indeed. Smile – the secret of growing old gracefully.   When you walked away, I chased you. You never looked back. I kept on calling your name, but you never seemed to hear me. My heart was in pain. My mind was at a loss. I got tired and fell. Someone picked me up and helped me. The wound of losing you started to heal, the pain eased. I am now in better hands. Had you not left me, I would not have met a very loving and caring person. Thank you for walking away. I wish that ours wouldn’t be just part of my yesterday’s memories … that we would still be dreaming a future of togetherness. Yet, our today remains uncertain, no label, filled with questions and answers that no whe