Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 30) - Reflections of Dharmazeus


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 30)

Reflections of Dharmazeus


My day wouldn’t commence without a GOOD MORNING to you and from you.

And it will not be complete without an I LOVE YOU to you and from you.

And will not be complete without a GOODNIGHT to you and from you.


While meeting people brings joy to our hearts, not all of them stays. Some have to leave for reasons we may not know.  What matters most is we met them, that our lives touched one another, and we shared awesome memories. That at some point in our lives, we have loved. We’ll keep them in our hearts and cherish their memories.


True love is never lost. It remains in one’s heart though not destined to become a reality. But, make no mistake, the feeling was real.


A new day has begun, a new beginning is at hand. Arise, my beloved, kiss the day, embrace every opportunity, hug all promises of a new hope, shower the world with your smile, captivate every heart with the love that only comes from someone who is loved and loving.


We start our day with a freshly brewed coffee with the hope that it’ll perk up our day for a better tomorrow. Just for now, at least, don’t think of the morrow and instead just enjoy the day and try to make the now a better one than yesterday. Live the now. Enjoy your coffee.


Rainy days or sunny days, nothing else do I want to do but cuddle with you. Snowy nights or windy, no one else do I want to be but only with you. All I think of in my waking hours, and all I dream of in my sleep, is the love that we give each other and the life that we share.


If a person can leave you so easily, that person never meant to love you but only to use you or something else. The one who stays despite the ups and downs in your relationship is the one who truly cares for you and even be the one who sincerely loves you.


For coffee-lovers, coffee is so significant that it does not only perk up the day, but it also serves as a nightcap. The day begins with a cup of hot coffee and ends with another one. As a coffee-lover, I am a YOU-lover. My day begins and concludes with YOU.


As lullaby finds its rhyme

The birds sing their tune

The waves kiss the shore

The stars twinkle at night

My lips whisper your name

My mind thinks of you

My heart beats a phrase:

“I love you. I love you.”

No one else but you.


The sun shines

The birds fly

The flowers bloom

And spread their perfume

My love for you remains stronger

My feelings grow so much deeper.

I love you.


We can only move on and heal from the pain of the past if we leave our yesterday behind. Learn to forgive yourself and those who may have hurt you. Remain to be a loving person.


Forgive your past

Worry not about tomorrow.

Live the now.



You are loved.

Only friends. The love of yesterday has evolved into a blooming friendship that is today. As for tomorrow, no one knows. Worry not of the future. Learn from the past. Enjoy what is today.


Are you afraid of ghosts? Why? Because when I’m gone, my memory will haunt you forever. Because no one else has loved you the way I did.


No amount of wine can make me forget the past nor numb the painful experience of that particular moment when you said that you didn’t love me, that you couldn’t love me. My heart bled. My heart died. My heart stopped loving.








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