Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 31) - Reflections of Dharmazeus


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 31)

Reflections of Dharmazeus


A nightcap with our favorite coffee completed my week and assured me of your wonderful friendship. Thank you for being such an awesome friend. You are special and loved. See you again next time.


The day won’t be complete without a “GOODNIGHT” and a prayerful wish for a safe and restful sleep. God bless you.


Allow not your transformation be skin-deep. Conversion of the heart leads to an experience of transfiguration. The purity of your souls emanates and radiates to others with love.


Never regret meeting then loving someone only to lose them someday. It might be painful but know that at some point in your life that person made happy memories with you. Keep those memories and learn from those that brought tears to your heart.


The next time someone tells you something, do not believe it immediately. Verify for yourself. Truth often comes to those who know the full story. Otherwise, you betray yourself of the truth and you will live aa life of lies.


Carpe Diem. Seize the day. At the twilight years of my life, I wish not to worry about non-essential things and of toxic people. I promise myself to enjoy life as it comes. Be more loving. Be more caring. Be more charitable. Live the now.


Sometimes it’s better to leave broken relationships as they are. Like broken glass, you might get wounded all the more as you try to pick up the broken pieces.


Believe what you want to believe. We are in a free world. But that freedom does not include accusing people of falsehood and belittling others just because of what you heard of others. If you cannot respect others, at least respect yourself.


It is very disappointing when people who are important to you begin to disrespect you and others. They become toxic out of their own making. What do you do? Pray for them. Forgive. Leave. You don’t need to be surrounded by toxic people. Self-care. Self-respect.


An adult who feeds false information to anyone, especially the young ones, isn’t worth being called an adult. On the other hand, the young ones who want to be treated like adults should learn to weigh things fed on them and not to immediately believe and react. Maturity, indeed, is not about age.


True charity does not expect anything in return. And it does not recall when things get tough. Does not count when situations go wrong.


Wisdom Is not only knowing, but also understanding, analyzing, internalizing, and being able to make decisions based on objective truth.


When silence speaks more eloquently than spoken words.

When silence is louder than words heard.

When silence pierces the heart sharper than a two-edged sword.







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