Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 26) Reflections of Dharmazeus


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 26)

Reflections of Dharmazeus

When you are in a relationship, you need to learn the art of compromise. It is when you are able to express your concerns, plans, hopes, and dreams as much as you are able to know the same things from your other significant person. Listen to each other. Discuss and work things out. Come to an agreement that is acceptable to both of you. Remember giving way for the other is not surrendering your own values. It is valuing what is more essential in the relationship – LOVE FOR EACH OTHER MORE THAN YOURSELF. Always remember the magic phrase in a relationship is LET’S FIX THIS.

I have loved very dearly. I got hurt so painfully. I cried so many sleepless nights. I tried to move on and let go of the sad memories. I prayed. I forgive. I am ready to love again. But this time with learnings from yesterday.

Tears were shed. Unable to sleep, Heart bleeds. Mind ached. The thought of you. Lessons learned. Tomorrow I’ll make sure that I will not cry. I will not spend sleepless nights. My heart won’ bleed. My mind won’t ache … for the same reason.

I’d rather keep my silence and simply enjoy my cup of java than speak ill of someone, and worse, pass judgment on their life’s choices. Even worst, to tell of those things to others with the intention of maligning other person’s integrity. Yes, I’d rather be quiet, sit by my window, sip my favorite coffee, and enjoy my solitude.

If you have nothing good to say, shut up. The world is already littered with so much filth. Do not add to it. This is the time when silence is better than being heard. Take the road to truth, honesty and modesty.

Remember the moment when I poured out to you and shared my innermost self? That was the time when I took a great risk of opening myself up to you. Treat whatever you heard from me that time with tenderness and utmost fragility for what I shared with you is not just a story, but what I shared with you my very self. Handle it with care. Keep it sacred.

A very essential characteristic of a saint is humility in admitting one’s sinfulness. We are not saints, at least not yet, so no one amongst us can claim to be the epitome of moral values. Therefore, we must never judge others for the choices they made in their life. Avoid gossiping about other’s status or lifestyle. That is an evil act.








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