Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 17)


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 17)

December 29, 2023


·        Because of God’s fidelity and love, I will choose you, my Lord. My God. My all.


·        Life offers so many questions. Know that the answers are within ourselves. Patience. Hope. Pray. Believe. God is with us … all the time.


·        Maturity is not about age. It is about the experiences we’ve had and the lessons we’ve learned from those experiences. It is about how we grow out of the learnings of the past and be able to move on with a smile in our hearts.


·        Let go. If it’s meant for you, it will return to a much better form.


·        I wonder what went wrong. Have I loved too much? Did I love the wrong one? At the wrong time?


·        Yesterday is over. The lessons have been learned. Tomorrow is a promise. A new dawn is at hand. Today is awesome. Live the now.


·        If only I could re-write yesterday. But that’s okay. I am grateful for the lessons of the past. A new beginning is at hand. Trust. Believe. Sabr.


·        Everything was unexpected. We met. We smiled. We exchanged “hellos.” We got to know each other. We bonded. We shared good times over coffee. We spent hours talking about anything and everything. We argued. We fought. We reconciled. The distance was never a problem, not even our faith belief nor our age. Then, unexpectedly, the silence. No more “good morning” nor “take care” messages. Just silence. Time passed. And as it all began, we are strangers again. C’est la vie.


·        Chances are all gone. Or are they? Will the silence be forever? Will the distance be eternal? Shall we be friends again? Or remain strangers once more?


·        Nothing lasts forever. Not even with the best intentions. No effort is enough when it’s not meant to be. Let go and move on. Someday … somewhere … the smile will return; the tears shall dry up. And love will blossom again.


·        Sabr. Patience. When will the waiting end? Will the longing stop? Pray. Heal. Hope. Believe. The right one shall come to the one who waits. God provides the desires of our heart.


·        Life is like driving a car. In front is a big windshield and a small rearview mirror. We always look to the front through the windshield to see where we are going to. We look at the rearview mirror to find out where we had gone from. The focus when driving is to look through the windshield. We view the rearview mirror only from time to time. In life’s journey, we look forward to see our direction; and, we look back only to remind us of the lessons of the past so that we know better as we move forward on our journey to reach our final destination. Drive safely and with care.


·        In the stillness of the night, your silence is deafening; and the darkness of the evening is blinding my eyes.


·        In God alone do I place my trust and my hope. He is my strength and my salvation.


·         Life goes on. The journey continues. On with the pilgrimage of life to where God leads us.


·        Despite everything, we are thankful. We may look back, but no U turn. We hold on to God who leads us. We trust in Him.


·        The year that’s ending had given us wounds so painful that they caused us to tears in the stillness of the night. Take heart, a new year is almost at hand and with it comes an opportunity to start anew.


·        In time, wounds heal. Painful memories will only be that – memories … a thing of the past. Those experiences made us learn that there are more important things in life than those persons or events or reasons that led us to tears and countless nights of no sleep are all bygones now. What matters most is that we are still around and able to live a life filled with joy and cheers. We have gained experiences that have given us lessons to learn and reasons to love and live in a way that will glorify our God. His fidelity and love give strength, hope, and happiness to our weary soul. Live the now.


·        Fidelity to God is our source of strength and hope as we journey through life. Remain in God’s love.


·        As long as we remain rooted in our faith in God, the wind may blow but we stand firm and strong against all odds.


·        Some choices and decisions made in the past have been erroneous. That’s fine. We made mistakes. It’s part of being human. What matters most is that we learned from the lessons of yesterday and hope to do better this time and the next. There is always another chance to be our best self … to find the right one … and love again. Take heart. Live the now. Be hopeful for tomorrow.


·        Never deprive yourself of a new love when the chance to love again comes. Past experiences should never hold anyone back in loving once more.


·        A new beginning is in the offing. A new dawn breaks on the horizon. The rainbow shines after the storm. Our Savior is born. Salvation is here. The love of God manifests in Jesus. Let us rejoice and be glad. Be renewed. Smile. God is love. Love is here.


·        Not all life’s questions have answers. Sadly, a good number of them will remain unanswered in our lifetime. That is part of the mystery of life. Trust and faith in God are essential as we live a life of surrender to His Divine Will.











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