Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 7)


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 7)


Ø  Those who have deep faith and trust in the Lord God possess eternal hope. For the Lord promised: "I will be with you until the end of time." (Matthew 28:20)


Ø  Greater is the love of God that no man's love can equal. Seek God's love and nothing else. With God, every tear shall turn into joy. Every disappointment shall be lessons known and learned. Every dream shall come to fruition if He wills it. God’s love is enough.


Ø  May God grant us the blessing of light to see how, by our actions and non-actions, we have caused pain to some people. May God grant us the sensitivity towards others' feelings, and the realization that piety is not enough to enter the Kingdom of God. May God grant us the gift of seeking forgiveness To Him and to others who we have hurt willingly or not.


Ø  Make me always be grateful to those who were your instruments for me to receive the things that came from You, O Lord, My God.


Ø  One of the most agonizing experiences we may have been when we develop a special bond of friendship with another person and then circumstances would lead both persons to part ways. The problem with hello is goodbye, as the lyrics of a song go.


Ø  O God hear my plea. In your Most Holy Name, I humbly ask for your mercy and continuous love and forgiveness.


Ø  You will always be in my heart. Forever loving you. Until we meet again in the hereafter.


Ø  When we offend God, His divine compassionate love embraces us with forgiveness, and we are made whole again. It is a spiritual experience that no amount of words can explain the mystery of our faith in the goodness of God.


Ø  God send me angels every moment of my life. They are in the form of my family members and friends. Through them I realized how much God loves me. Through them I felt that God is always by my side.


Ø  If that someone was the one who truly loved you unconditionally, you'll never forget that person...would even long to be with that person even in the hereafter.


Ø  The heart will cry for some time but it will learn to beat again, and hopefully, love again.


Ø  For someone who loved and cared so very dearly, separation breaks the heart.


Ø  And with sorrow comes with tears, comes a beautiful refreshing smile to a new dawn, a new hope, and a new beginning.


Ø  There is no place like home. The only place where I am secured and loved for who I am. Where love is authentic, no deception, no pretense. Where I find tremendous support and understanding. Where I am encouraged to rise up again after falling out of love.






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