The Transfiguration: A Call to Listen to Jesus


The Transfiguration: A Call to Listen to Jesus

(February 21, 2024)


The story of the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor (Mark 9:2-10) is one of the two narratives in the life of Jesus that I personally refer to as “mystical.” The other being the Baptism of the Lord. They are both mystical for me because the two scenarios present a dynamic revelation of the Holy Trinity being spiritually inspiring and awesome. If presented on stage as a play, I picture a very moving, even jaw-dropping, experience. I imagine it to be a New Testament version of what we refer to now as a “Light and Sound” show. With both narratives, I see a bright light emanating from the heavens (the Transfiguration) and the clouds opening to make way for the descent of a dove (the Baptism of Jesus). Then the voice echoing through the auditorium: “this is my beloved Son …” and maybe some rumbling sounds after plus more dazzling lights and glowing white robe (the Transfiguration) of Jesus. It’s very theatrical and cinematic.


But that’s just my imagination and that’s not what my reflection on the story of the Transfiguration is all about. Seriously, I ask myself: What strikes me with the story and what does it mean to me?


Reading the narrative of the Transfiguration, setting aside my imagination of theatrical and cinematic view of it, I want to focus on what the voice of the Father said: “This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.”


Two striking things on the message of the voice:


First, “This is my beloved Son.”


This is a direct affirmation of the DIVINE IDENTITY OF JESUS. With God the Father proclaiming His acknowledgment that Jesus is His Son conveys to us that there is no doubt that Jesus is Divine. That in the reality of the Holy Trinity, Jesus is the Second Person, the beloved Son of the Father. With this declaration, there should be no doubt in our mind about Jesus’ identity. He is God’s Son and our direct link to God the Father. And with God the Son becoming man, Jesus’ own humanity sanctifies humankind. Man is made holy with the presence of Jesus in the world, plus, being man Himself.


Second, “Listen to Him.”


This is a direct affirmation that Jesus was sent by God the Father to be His MESSENGER to man, and that man should hear Jesus and listen. Jesus’ mission is established – to make known to humanity God’s will and to show mankind how to do and obey God’s will. Jesus’ life witnessing would be nothing else but doing what pleases to the Father and only by doing so will man attain eternal life. Jesus is man’s bridge to God by listening to His word. Jesus’ word is God’s word. We must listen to Jesus if we are to listen to God.


The CHALLENGE in the Gospel on the Transfiguration is TO LISTEN TO JESUS. By listening to Jesus, as commanded by God the Father, we are hearing what God wills for us and how we are able to make alive God’s will in our life. The life of Jesus, His works and words, as narrated in the Bible, are our guideposts in living up the will of God for us.




Challenge Question: WHO DO YOU LISTEN TO?










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