Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 25) - Reflections of Dharmazeus


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 25)

Reflections of Dharmazeus


You may be gone but definitely not forgotten. The love we shared remains aflame in my memory. Your love will always be cherished in my heart. You may be in heaven but your heart rests in mine. Forever loving you.

If you’re unwilling to take responsibility for your actions and words, no one will do it for you. One day you will find yourself alone and lonely. Regret comes late when you realize the mistake of letting go of the person who truly cared for you.

When I was broken, you helped me pick up my broken pieces. When I was crying, you gave me a handkerchief to dry my tears away. When I was alone, you sat beside me and whispered, “I am here.” When I was lonely, you smiled and said, “I love you.” My life had never been the same since.

Sabr. I will wait even if it takes forever because I love you. I will be patient. I will hope.

As the day nears its end, I thank the Lord for the gift of you who all throughout the day never fails to express care and concern. Indeed, your love lights up my day and my night. It cradles me into slumber of a moonlit sleep after having a hot java of your aromatic embrace.

Goodnight my dear, my beloved, my dream, my life. Distant we may be tonight, separated by space and time, our hearts are bound together by the stars up in the sky. I love you.

Only you can make yourself happy. You decide. I can only share with you what I have. And I only have love. I will love you deeply and care for you in the best way I can. But your choice – accept my love or simply ignore me.

Realization is always an after-the-fact experience. There are times though that it comes because we misunderstood the facts and clouded them with our own biases and prejudices. Sadly, it often comes late.

Never ignore nor deny. Never dismiss nor reject. True love comes only once in a lifetime.

Consistency is an essential value in any relationship. Be consistent in making your presence known and felt especially when it is needed the most. It means that you truly care and that your love is true. Being present, though distant, is a manifestation of true love.

Never regret yesterday. Stop looking at tomorrow. Live today. Joy is here. Love.

No one owes anyone an explanation for the life choices one makes as long as no one is deliberately harmed due to them. I owe you no explanation for my life choices, Vice-versa. I live my life in response to what I believe is driven by my faith – in God, with others, to myself. 

Slowly sipping a cup of hot java is like praying – you savor the presence of God as you praise and thank Him for life’s blessings and graces.

The night is warm, but my heart seems cold from the thought of losing someone I used to love and care for. Many the nights passed when my heart tried to forgive but my mind seemed to always recall my feelings of abandonment that your silence and walking away have caused in me. Hoping that the brightness of the morning sun enlightens my being, and I may learn to forgive … and love again.







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