Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 13)


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 13)

v The pain hurts so much that the heart bleeds profusely. The mind bothered by the memories. The trauma may linger but eventually will be overcome. Prayer brings about healing. It reveals the lesson we must learn. And that is what matters most.

v One person hurts you. Another person will heal you. Prayer. Patience. The one who will help you move on and pick up the broken pieces is the one who will make you love again.

v True love waits. And when it comes, it brings with it joy and peace, love and care that will bring you the best smile on your face once again.

v One who truly loves, feels the hurt the most.

v A deceitful person will never find true love.

v Piety and any expressions of faith find authenticity in the way one treats others.

v God sees what is truly in your heart. And what is in your heart manifests in your actions.

v You may say that you love God and follow His precepts, but God sees every move you make. He knows your true intention.

v We may deceive other persons, but we can never deceive God.

v Why think of the Last Day when this day and the days to come are so important on Judgment Day? Prepare yourself for the Last day by being truthful and charitable today and the days ahead.

v Love begets love. Honesty is complimented with fidelity. Sincerity produces care and understanding. Forgiveness emanates from humility.

v A gift given from the heart does not need appreciation. A grateful person, however, always acknowledges every little thing received. A simple “thank you” is not difficult to say, is it?

v We are truly blessed when we are loved unconditionally by someone who we continually neglect and disregard. Realization comes late.

v Ghosting and gaslighting are the evils of today’s world. Silent treatment that is unnecessarily prolonged means that love and care never existed at all. Walking away is an unspoken closure.

v At different degrees, the blocker and the one blocked experience emotional turmoil and mental torture which are not necessary had they reach out to each other and communicate.

v Silence is not always golden.


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