Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 8)


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 8)


ü   Painful reality brings tremendous hurt that no amount of consolation is enough to ease the pain a person feels.


ü  Separation brings about an amalgam of emotions – fire, rain, sunny days, lonely nights, etc. One would never know. One time you feel okay the next time you just find yourself in tears.


ü  Oftentimes, we want to re-live the memories with our beloved and let ourselves stay because only through those memories that we feel that our beloved never left.


ü  During times of grief and loneliness, a friend is needed:


o   Someone who is present, not necessarily physically present, but is available at the click of a finger.


o   One who makes you a priority especially at this time of need.


o   Someone who can understand even the words that you were saying but not uttered.


o   Someone who is patient and accepting of your silence.


o   Someone who has a listening heart, whose heart can hear the whispers of your own weeping heart. 


ü  Troubles and problems are part of life. Pain and suffering are basically twinned with happiness and joy.


ü  Life is full of paradoxes.


ü  God will give us the strength and the courage, the patience and perseverance, to let go and move on. In time, we will gather ourselves together again and commence a new life, a new beginning.


ü  Never give up. There is always a way – THE JESUS’ WAY. Or whatever your faith belief names the Almighty – God, Allah, Yahweh. 


ü  Communication is an important factor in coming to terms with separation. While silence and solitude are one way, along with them should communication be not taken away. We need to let someone know what’s going on about us is essential.


ü  Oftentimes, the emotional sorrow blinds us and fails us to see the light coming from every direction. The heartache limits our weltanschauung.


ü  We are not alone. We are NEVER alone. God is always with us.


He said: “Do not fear – I am with you. All Hearing and All Seeing.” (Quran 20:46)


Before Jesus left this earth, he spoke the following words to his disciples, “And behold, I am always with you, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).


ü  We must avoid turning our backs from the sun and walk against the wind. 


ü  We need to balance our desire for solitude and silence with that of the necessity to be conscious that there are people around us who deeply care and love us.











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