Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 10)


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 10)


§  Never expect anything. Instead, be appreciative of everything. 

§  Be grateful. Avoid being spiteful.

§  Learn from your past.

§  Your intentions are pure, others may doubt and accuse you of deceit. You know the truth behind your actions. What matters most is that you truly cared and loved. Go. Live. Love. Pray.

§  Let not our differences cause us separation. Rather, let them be reasons to compliment each other and fill each other’s gaps.

§  In silence, the words unspoken echo so loud that:

-      only a listening heart can hear,

-      a compassionate soul can feel,

-      a loving human being can understand.

§  In silence, the whisper of God is heard more intensely.

     §  Listen to the voice inside your heart.

§  Do what you must do. Be who you are meant to be. Love like have never loved before.

§  Are we then to continue our story with learnings from the past? Or, will everything be just but memories to be forgotten as time comes to pass?

§  Be patient with yourself.

§  Healing is a process that takes time. 

§  You don’t have to leap to achieve your goal. Baby steps are still very good. They are actions of moving forwards.

§  If you slip back, do not panic. Pause. Be still. Stay focused.

§  Whichever way it goes, it’ll be worth it. If it goes well, you’ll feel good and happy. If it goes the other way, you learn from it and get new lessons in life so you will do better next time. Life is always a win-win experience.

§  God’s ways are not man’s ways. He gives us challenges to fortify our faith and magnify trust in Him. Nothing is heavy when God lifts our spirit.

§  Never give up. Just take a much-needed break.






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