(August 30, 2022)


Today’s dispensation is bent on changing history and making a fool of today’s generations and that of the future. One can never re-write history no matter how one tries. History is over like it or not, accept it or deny it. You can only wish that people will believe your own narrative of the past, but you cannot change the facts of the past.

 Just because you did not experience it yourself nor believe it as it is, the facts of yesterday have been written and as it is written stays for generations to come. A mature and responsible citizen of truth will respect, accept, analyze, and be critical of the past; but most of all learn from the lessons it offered. For only when we learn the lessons of the past are we able to live a more meaningful today so we can pass on to the next generation a more promising tomorrow.

 We have our history. The present is writing its own. The future is yet to be written. We need to remember though that everything is intertwined. The future is rooted in what’s happening today, and the present is a by-product of yesterday. Of course, there are uniqueness and societal idiosyncrasies in every generation, but we cannot deny the fact that in the past we found learnings and guidelines on how to make our present a better world to live in. And from today will spell, not totally perhaps, the future of the morrow.

 The Book of Life never ends. In the book are chapters with beginnings and endings. But as we write, read, and comprehend every word of each chapter, we will better understand and feel the spirit as alive in each word when we know what was written before. Then we read further on in anticipation of what will happen towards the end of the chapter. A chapter ends. A new one begins. The saga of life continues.

To enjoy life. We need to learn from it as it unfolds in our life’s journey starting from the time we were born until the last breath of our being. There is no denying every second nor every minute because each second and minute compose the time of our life. And there is no better legacy that we leave to our loved ones than the truth of history where they will find some guideposts on how to live their lives better than we have had. As they weave their own tomorrow, we hope that they will thank us more than they might curse us for having lived our lives the way we did.

 Let us bequeath our children the truth of our time as they journey into their own time. Time is our friend. The memories of yesterday and everything that the future holds are all in time. Today we cherish every moment of time.

 Let us not alter time.


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