Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 27) - Reflections of Dharmazeus


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 27)

Reflections of Dharmazeus


Thank you for your special friendship and making yourself always feel present with your constant communication and availability. Special moments are created when you are around. New memories treasured and cherished. You are love indeed.

Smile – the secret of growing old gracefully. 

When you walked away, I chased you. You never looked back. I kept on calling your name, but you never seemed to hear me. My heart was in pain. My mind was at a loss. I got tired and fell. Someone picked me up and helped me. The wound of losing you started to heal, the pain eased. I am now in better hands. Had you not left me, I would not have met a very loving and caring person. Thank you for walking away.

I wish that ours wouldn’t be just part of my yesterday’s memories … that we would still be dreaming a future of togetherness. Yet, our today remains uncertain, no label, filled with questions and answers that no where to be found. I still wish it was “US” and not “you” not “I”.

Quote: “When you are happy, you enjoy the music. When you are sad, you understand the lyrics.” When you love deeply, chances are, you hurt more intensely like you have never been hurt before. The pain is so immense that you might not be able to overcome the trauma and never love again.

Rejection – an avenue for new opportunities. 

There comes a time in one’s life when the need for companionship is so strong that one wishes to be with a significant other. 

Goodnight. I’ll see you in my dream. There we will be together in a loving embrace. Never will part. Never will cry. Joy fills our hearts; gladness our minds as we wake and face the new morn with a smile. 

A relationship to last needs constant and consistent communication and dialogue. When things are good, you share the joy. When things are tough, you both say, “Let’s fix this.” True love does not give up easily. True love does not blame but understands. True love is patient. True love waits. 

In our desire to love others, whatever kind of love that is, always embrace SELF-LOVE first. It’s not being selfish or self-centered. It is the foundation of loving others. Only when you truly love yourself will you be able to genuinely love others. 

Have you ever loved someone whom you knew would never be yours? If you do, take heart, you’re not the only one. So just keep on smiling because you have loved. Sometimes true love hurts but lessons are learned. And move on. 

Meeting you was one of the most important and memorable days in my life. For it was in that moment when I found love again. Or rather, it was when love found me. Since then, my life has changed in so many very awesome ways. More laughter. More anticipation of a new morn. More prayers for a safe and restful night’s sleep. More love to give and to receive.

Our love is unique, inexplicable. The important thing is: You love me, and I love you. You mean the world to me as much as I am to you. Our expressions of tenderness go beyond physical togetherness. Ours is a love experience of hearts and souls in transcendental union.







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