Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 14)


Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree

(Part 14)


v True love is forever. Not even death can end it. Physically maybe, but in the lover’s and the beloved’s heart, true love remains…beyond the grave.


v Unconditional love is forever. We may miss the one who’s gone ahead of us, but in our hearts and our memory, we are always together…forever loving one another…until death and even beyond.


v I don’t want to wake up and remember that you are no longer alive. I still look for you everywhere and find you nowhere. Part of me will never accept that you are not coming back. Missing you is so painful.


v “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6)

Ø  God’s Word reverberates bringing peace as much as pain at the thought that you are gone forever. Until we meet again in heaven, my beloved.


v My life was changed when we met but was shaken on the day you passed away. My life was never the same again since.


v We did not say “goodbye” to one another on the day you die. Why? Because we will be united again in the hereafter. So, it’s not “goodbye.” It was “until we meet again.”


v It was not easy at first. But as days turn into months, the pain of losing you becomes bearable as I realized that it was all my fault. I gave myself too much. I loved so deeply. I learned my lesson, and I forgive myself. As for you, I am sorry and goodbye.


v It takes a while until we realize that losing someone was meant to meet the RIGHT one.


v There’s a reason to everything that happens in our life. It is for us to discern the meaning and purpose of it all. Pray. Listen.


v In the stillness of the night or the cool autumn breeze; amidst the fragrance of spring blossom or the purity of snow in winter, listen to the whispers of God. Silence. Be still.


v Our heart may bleed because of such unbearable pain inflicted by someone we once loved. Remember that Jesus shed blood to save humanity. Our struggles and hurtful experiences my mean our own salvation. Think about it.


v If we dwell too much on the heartache, it’s like nourishing the wound such that it remains fresh and won’t heal.


v Time heals but only if we look forward to what lies ahead. Accept what is now then move on. That’s when time helps to heal the wound of the past.


v When a patient is in a coma, which body organ is monitored the most? The heart or the brain? Should it be the same in a troubled relationship? Just asking.









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