
Showing posts from November, 2023

Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 14)

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 14)   v True love is forever. Not even death can end it. Physically maybe, but in the lover’s and the beloved’s heart, true love remains…beyond the grave.   v Unconditional love is forever. We may miss the one who’s gone ahead of us, but in our hearts and our memory, we are always together…forever loving one another…until death and even beyond.   v I don’t want to wake up and remember that you are no longer alive. I still look for you everywhere and find you nowhere. Part of me will never accept that you are not coming back. Missing you is so painful.   v “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6) Ø   God’s Word reverberates bringing peace as much as pain at the thought that you are gone forever. Until we meet again in heaven, my beloved.   v My life was changed when we met but was shaken on the day you passed away. My life was never the same agai

Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 13)

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 13) v The pain hurts so much that the heart bleeds profusely. The mind bothered by the memories. The trauma may linger but eventually will be overcome. Prayer brings about healing. It reveals the lesson we must learn. And that is what matters most. v One person hurts you. Another person will heal you. Prayer. Patience. The one who will help you move on and pick up the broken pieces is the one who will make you love again. v True love waits. And when it comes, it brings with it joy and peace, love and care that will bring you the best smile on your face once again. v One who truly loves, feels the hurt the most. v A deceitful person will never find true love. v Piety and any expressions of faith find authenticity in the way one treats others. v God sees what is truly in your heart. And what is in your heart manifests in your actions. v You may say that you love God and follow His precepts, but God sees every move yo

Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 12)

  Coffee Musings Under the Maple Tree (Part 12)          Sometimes you need to revisit some places where you made memories with a special friend with whom you once said "hello" but for some reason you have become strangers again to one another. This time the visit is to say "goodbye" to the memories. The feeling of peace replaces the pain. It's therapeutic, believe me.      Forgiveness comes after a goodbye ... then peace draws in the heart where pain used to linger. There is hope. There is joy. There are blessings after the rain.        Healing of the heart comes when you allow God to envelop your being. No storm is strong enough to withstand the power of prayer. Keep the faith.        A special bond begins with a gentle smile and a warm “hello.”        Honesty is one of the firm foundations of a loving relationship.        Constant communication between persons in a relational bond is the bridge that shortens the distance that separates t