CALLED TO BE HEALERS TO ONE ANOTHER (January 26, 2024) Reflection on the Gospel (Mark 1:29-39) Question: Why did Peter deny knowing Jesus three times? Answer: Because Peter was so mad at Jesus for healing his other in-law. Of course, that was only a joke. It was a joke revolving around the relationship between in-laws. Jesus healed the mother in-law of Peter from fever. The succeeding parts of the Gospel, Jesus continued with his ministry of healing – casting away demons, curing people from various illnesses and diseases, and many more. At the end of the day, Jesus came to a secluded place to pray and commune with His Father in heaven. Then immediately after dawn, Jesus begun his healing miracles and preaching. We see, however, that at the end of the day, and even before the sun rises at dawn, Jesus come to a place to pray. Note that habit of Jesus – before and after a day’s activities, Jesus always find time to pray. We ...